The following list is intended as a resource for people interested in exploring academic takes on cycling experience. This is part 1 of a list of open articles on cycling experience. See part 2 here.
Ride along:
Spinney, J. (2006). A place of sense: A kinaesthetic ethnography of cyclists on Mont Ventoux. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 24(5), 709–732.
Video (mobile video ethnography):
Spinney, J. (2011). A Chance to Catch a Breath: Using Mobile Video Ethnography in Cycling Research. Mobilities, 6(2), 161–182.
Biographical interviews & life history calendar:
Jones, H., Chatterjee, K., & Gray, S. (2014). A biographical approach to studying individual change and continuity in walking and cycling over the life course. Journal of Transport and Health, 1(3), 182–189.
GPS, mapping, interviews (beyond just cycling):
Jensen, O. B., Sheller, M., & Wind, S. (2015). Together and Apart: Affective Ambiences and Negotiation in Families’ Everyday Life and Mobility. Mobilities, 10(3), 363–382.
Mixed video method- ride recording and interviews:
Simpson, P. (2017). A sense of the cycling environment: Felt experiences of infrastructure and atmospheres. Environment and Planning A, 49(2), 426–447.
Paper collage. Image credit clockwise from top left: Forsyth & Krizek (2011) - publisher, Van Duppen & Spierings (2013, p. 240), Simpson (2017) - publisher, Latham & Wood (2015, p. 306), Clayton & Musselwhite (2013) - publisher, Jones & Burwood (2011, p. 14)
General - perspectives from and experiences of cycling:
Perspectives from the bicycle:
Forsyth, A., & Krizek, K. (2011). Urban Design: Is there a Distinctive View from the Bicycle? Journal of Urban Design, 16(4), 531–549.
Reference also the review by Cycling Research Review
te Brömmelstroet, M., Nikolaeva, A., Glaser, M., Nicolaisen, M. S., & Chan, C. (2017). Travelling together alone and alone together: mobility and potential exposure to diversity. Applied Mobilities, 2(1), 1–15.
Experiences of cycling:
Van Duppen, J., & Spierings, B. (2013). Retracing trajectories: The embodied experience of cycling, urban sensescapes and the commute between “neighbourhood” and “city” in Utrecht, NL. Journal of Transport Geography, 30, 234–243.
Reference also the review by Cycling Research Review
Latham, A., & Wood, P. R. H. (2015). Inhabiting infrastructure: Exploring the interactional spaces of urban cycling. Environment and Planning A, 47, 300–319.
Literature review:
Liu, G., Krishnamurthy, S., & van Wesemael, P. (2018). Conceptualizing cycling experience in urban design research: a systematic literature review. Applied Mobilities, 1–17.
Experiences of different groups of people
Jones, P., & Burwood, D. (2011). Cycling and the City : Reflections of Commuting Practices. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 7(4).
Families and children:
Clayton, W., & Musselwhite, C. (2013). Exploring changes to cycle infrastructure to improve the experience of cycling for families. Journal of Transport Geography, 33, 54–61.
Older adults:
Van Cauwenberg, J., Clarys, P., De Bourdeaudhuij, I., Ghekiere, A., de Geus, B., Owen, N., & Deforche, B. (2018). Environmental influences on older adults’ transportation cycling experiences: A study using bike-along interviews. Landscape and Urban Planning, 169(August 2017), 37–46.
People with physical impairments:
Clayton, W., Parkin, J., & Billington, C. (2017). Cycling and disability: A call for further research. Journal of Transport and Health, 6, 452–462.
Xie, L., & Spinney, J. (2018). “I won’t cycle on a route like this; I don’t think I fully understood what isolation meant”: A critical evaluation of the safety principles in Cycling Level of Service (CLoS) tools from a gender perspective. Travel Behaviour and Society, 13(July), 197–213.
This list is not comprehensive and we may expand it in a future blog post.
See also by the Cycling and Society Symposium: